Father’s Day 2024Father’s Day 2024Father’s Day 2024Father’s Day 2024Father’s Day 2024Father’s Day 2024Father’s Day 2024Place Yourself Under the Microscope in 2024 (Matthew 7)Tell Yourself the Truth! Stop Lying, Blaming, Deflecting (I John 2)The Tongue: Don’t Let That Little Rudder Be Your Downfall (James 3)Resurrection Sunday 2024Preparing Bags for the HomelessPreparing Bags for the HomelessPreparing Bags for the HomelessProverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Drive Thru Prayer September 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Church Anniversary 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Military Appreciation 2024Celebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” BanksCelebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” BanksCelebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” BanksCelebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” BanksCelebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” BanksCelebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” BanksCelebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” BanksCelebrating the life of Essie Lee “Mumu” Banks