Children’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Our mission is to reflect the love of Christ to all who enter our doors, express excitement and enthusiasm with the opportunity to share our church home, and welcome all visitors in such a way that they would be transformed from strangers to friends!
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Our mission is to pray without ceasing for our country, our state, our city, other individuals—saved and unsaved—and especially for all kingdom partners that worship at the ministry of Harvest Fellowship individually and collectively. Part of the mission focuses on praying and fasting for spiritual revival and awakening here in the United States, at our local church and surrounding churches, and in multiple nations worldwide. We pray that prayer and fasting increase and become established in individuals, churches, schools, and any other Christian organizations that call on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, so that spiritual renewal and transformation of families, communities, cities, and nations will manifest for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.
Men’s Ministry
The Harvest Fellowship Men’s Ministry exists to equip and provide resources to the church to create environments that encourage the development of the Holy-Spirit-Empowered Man.
God has ordained us to be the leaders of our homes, to love our wives as Christ loved the Church, to teach biblical truths to our children, and to serve The Body of Christ.
By transforming the lives of each man, we can affect change in the lives of their sons and daughters and many generations to come!
“No Family Left Behind” Ministry
No Family Left Behind Ministry at Harvest Fellowship Church is a source to show God’s compassion for His people. Food is provided with love and respect for those who come for help. We endeavor to provide spiritual food as well as physical. In doing so, we follow the example of Jesus:
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,” Matthew 25:35 NIV